Sunday, 4 August 2013

random sketches

hello again,
here are some random samples i have been working on in preparation for the stories based on this lunacy. notice that i have highlighted specific elements in these sketches. these point to future lessons i have coming up, so try and see if you can figure out what it will be about.
these sketches were all done in pencil on A4 paper and scanned and touched up in photoshop CS5. still working on my colouring...we'll get there eventually.
so, be here later today as i drop the very first "barusu". you'll figure out why it's called that when you stop by.

figure drawings just to warm up

figure invention after review of past work...refreshing!

walking dead influence and a play with photoshop for the head

before the center piece, those two abominations came. goes to show you don't always succeed the first time round

more figure invention practice, just follow the numbers to see how it evolved

reviewed my hand sessions and decided to test what i remember

sketches for the story i'm contemplating for this lunacy(001 that is)

the blade runner

this drawing is crap, i know it, so do you. its here because it is an indication that i accepted the consequence of my own attempts: failure, and i am still here.

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